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Satin Finish Bars & Wheels


Bergeon 5444-A Satin Finish Bar, Fine

Bergeon 5444-A satin finish bar fine. Great to satin finish just a small area on a watch case or band, also used for rust removal and cleaning.


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Bergeon 5444-C Satin Finish Bar, Coarse

Bergeon 5444-C satin finish bar Coarse. Great to satin finish just a small area on a watch case or band, also used for rust removal and cleaning.


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Bergeon 6085E2 Satin Finish Wheel, Fine

Bergeon silicium carbide Satin Finish Wheels are used by many Swiss watch factories, available in four grits. Fine is the most popular grit used for the final finish. About 4 3/8 inch in diameter.


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Bergeon 6085E3 Satin Finish Wheel, Extra Fine

The brushes can be used for retouching of old objects, cleaning, de-oxidation, stripping. To be used without polishing products or pastes. About 4 3/8 inch in diameter.


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Bergeon 6085E1 Satin Finish Wheel, Medium Grit

The brushes can be used for retouching of old objects, cleaning, de-oxidation, stripping. To be used without polishing products or pastes. About 4 3/8 inch in diameter.


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Selvyt Cloth 10" x 10" made in England

This is the world's best selling general purpose cloth to wipe off dust and finger prints. Used, sold and given away by fine jewelers all other the world you can wash this cloth when soiled. The Selvyt Cloths are old and very traditional cloth that have been the leading seller in the jewelry industry. It replaced chamois leather as the most popular cloth In use. While in fact good chamois leather has some superior qualities the durability and ease of washing clean the Selvyt cloth along with the multiple uses jewelers and watchmakers found for them made the Selvyt cloth and indispensable item for all. Even today with new Mirco-fiber on the market which have some superior qualities that the Selvyt cloths multiple uses and lasting durability still have a place in the workshop.


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Crystal Clean Micro-Fiber Cloth

Safely and easily removes fingerprints and smudges from all glass and plastic crystals.

Crystal Clean

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Crystal Clean Micro-Fiber Cloth Package of 3

Safely and easily removes fingerprints and smudges from all glass and plastic crystals.

Crystal Clean Package of 3

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Flat Emery Stick

Used for adjusting fancy shape plastic crystals and sanding metals.


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Amber Polyimide Protection Tape 11 mm

This product protects areas on your item that you do not want to be affected while polishing, buffing, or finishing. Very thin and 11 mm wide. Heat resistance and leaves no residue behind.


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Horotec Kiwomask W 128 Protective Laquer 100 ml

This is a white protective lacquer based on aqueous polymers; to be used to protect certain parts of jewelries, watch cases, bracelets or other metals during polishing, engraving, thinning, etc.

Apply in uniform layers with a paintbrush and let dry before use. Easily removable with or without water.

MSA 26.913-100

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Scratch Brushes


Polishing & Cleaning Cloths


Buff Sticks


Rouges & Buffing Wheels


Cleaning Supplies
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
Customers Entrance
126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607
Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604
Freight Shipment Address: 119 3rd St. Oakland Ca. 94607 USA

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