Style #7, Dumostar Dumont Tweezers, Swiss Made
Top quality is the DUMOSTAR line. The Dumostar are made of a super-hard (Rockwell minimum 61) alloy that is magnetic-resistant (anti-magnetic), and acid and rust resistant. I find the hardness of these tweezers worth the cost, as with careful use, they will keep their points almost indefinitely.
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Style #7, Carbon Steel Dumont Tweezers, Swiss Made
Carbon Steel at Rockwell 60 is the hardest steel used in the original Dumont tweezer line. The hardest of carbon steel makes the tips more durable than stainless steel. The benefits of carbon steel comes with drawbacks as well. Carbon is stiffer than Stainless, however is more likely to break if stressed, easily magnetized and will rust and stain if used around chemicals or just plain water or even high humidity conditions. Watchmakers by taking proper care of cleaning, oiling and storing of carbon steel tweezers have been know to use the same tweezers for decades without replacing them.
FB-2001 $44.80

Style #7, Original Dumoxel (Anti-Mag Stainless) Dumont Tweezers, Swiss MadeFB-2002 $42.95

Style #7, Stainless Dumont Tweezers, Swiss MadeFB-2003 $40.95
