Otto Frei.
Quality Jewelry Supplies for Generations - Since 1930
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Looking For A Watch Part?

.....Well, Did You Try Ordering It Yet From Otto Frei?

See link at bottom of page, then print out the Order Form then Fax or Fax in your order.

Since 1930 We Have Sold Watch Parts For Almost Every Make Watch Movement

For 84 years we have sold watch parts and mistakes happen, since it is a complicated product line. If you’re the type who cannot embrace and accept mistakes, please do not order from us. The task supplying parts has gotten harder over the years and it has never been as difficult and complex as it is today and it increases everyday with each and every new change. Each day also brings the pasting of another old material men or watchmaker. These professionals knew the parts and the watches of 60 to100 years ago in ways not possible today, since after all these watches were current and hot in their lifetime and not ours. Today, we have to learn and know all new things happening everyday as well as knowing all the old watch stuff as well.

New Customers Are Required to Read before contacting us.

Due to the volume of business we are doing it is impossible to handle email and to answer special request for watch parts by email from both new and old customers who like using email.

Professionals in the watch repair industry know that the only way they are going to get the part is by ordering from their part supply house.

We are accepting orders from new customers who want to do something about their need for a certain parts by Ordering those Parts they are Looking For from us. We added for the efficient handling of your order a fax order form sheet, which you can print out and either fax or mail to us.


Order Form, For Watch Parts
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
Customers Entrance
126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607
Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604
Freight Shipment Address: 119 3rd St. Oakland Ca. 94607 USA

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For stock checks on watch parts not listed on the site please call the watch material department at 510-832-0355 ext 3., Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time Zone.
Stock Checks For Watch Movement & Watch Case Parts

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United States
510.832.0355 EXT. 3
800.900.3734 (fax)

510.832.0355 EXT. 3
510.834.6217 (fax)