Waltham Watches have been Jeweled through the use of three distinctive methods. The Earliest type were Jewels in settings, upper held in with screws, lower setting mostly burnished in the plate. Endshake obtained from uppers. Various diameters and heights of settings have been used in some models, and pivot diameters on the wheels. Next, came the Expansion method, set jewels. In this type, the setting is expanded by a V punch casing the setting to be held friction tight. Endshake obtained from the lowers. In the final decades become the end to an American Watch Manufacture, that traced it's roots to 1850 Waltham used Friction Type Jewels. Mostly inserted directly in the plates of the watch. Endshake is obtained from the lowers. This type of jewel is also set in Balance Endstones or Domes - Lower Endstone Caps - Escape Hole Settings as 21 and 23 jewel watches. |
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930 Customers Entrance 126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607 Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604 Freight Shipment Address: 119 3rd St. Oakland Ca. 94607 USA