SoftShine Micro-Fiber Cloth | Move over Selvyt Cloth, Micro-Fiber Cloths are ready to be the new king of the hill. Use this white micro-fiber cloth on any metal you will be impressed with the results and Selvyt cloths might someday soon be looked at the way the Model-T Car is now. Polishing and cleaning tasks, which before you might use a rouge cloth on can now be done with this clean white micro-fiber cloth. You really have to give one of these cloths a try.
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FB-319 $6.30

New Large Size White Micro-Fiber Cloth | New 12" x 12" size is offers 20% more polishing surface, than the 10" x 10" cloth.
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FB-318 $7.10

Selvyt Cloth 10" x 10" made in England | This is the world's best selling general purpose cloth to wipe off dust and finger prints. Used, sold and given away by fine jewelers all other the world you can wash this cloth when soiled. The Selvyt Cloths are old and very traditional cloth that have been the leading seller in the jewelry industry. It replaced chamois leather as the most popular cloth In use. While in fact good chamois leather has some superior qualities the durability and ease of washing clean the Selvyt cloth along with the multiple uses jewelers and watchmakers found for them made the Selvyt cloth and indispensable item for all. Even today with new Mirco-fiber on the market which have some superior qualities that the Selvyt cloths multiple uses and lasting durability still have a place in the workshop.
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FB-313 $9.40

Crystal Clean Micro-Fiber Cloth | Safely and easily removes fingerprints and smudges from all glass and plastic crystals.
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Crystal Clean $9.50

Crystal Clean Micro-Fiber Cloth Package of 3 | Safely and easily removes fingerprints and smudges from all glass and plastic crystals.
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Crystal Clean Package of 3 $24.85

Bergeon 7853 Fine Woven White Microfiber Cloth | Cloth made of 80% polyester and 20% polyamide. Ideal presentation and cleaning cloth while handling watches and jewelry items, removes oils and fingerprints from display items and will not leave behind lint fibers. Dimensions: 300 x 300 mm.
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BERG-7853 $5.95

Bergeon 7854 Antistatic Microfiber Fabric (ESD) | This large 12" x 12" cloth by Bergeon is great for polishing and keeping clean your watch and jewelry repair jobs. Made of 80% polyester and 20% polyamide it is suitable for clean-room environment, ESD.
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BERG-7854 $8.95

Bergeon B-Net Cloth | Large size cloth measuring at 330 x 330 mm, giving you more surface area to work with. Made of 70% polyester and 30% polyamide.
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BERG-2208 $16.88

Bergeon 6993 Polishing Paste |
For a finishing “Polished mirror”. Specially used for the platinum but will suit too for other metals.
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BERG-6993 $36.20

Ultra Polish Pads, Package of 20 |
New 2" x 2" polish pads for polishing more focus areas on your personal items. Both sides can be use for removing fingerprints and smudges, giving your item that new shiny look once again. Can be stored in small areas and easily taken where ever you go.
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POL-695.00 $6.50

Horotec 23.500 Universal Tool for Polishing Case Backs & Bezels |
This polishing tool is used for finishing watch cases, bezels, rings, case backs and more. Equipped with 4 brass jaws that opens from 14 mm to 34 mm in diameter to handle larger case backs.
Manual Use: Attach item to polish onto the jaws. Hold tool on one hand and polish piece with a cleaning cloth with the other without ever touching the item. Gently lay down the item onto a clean cloth and loosen the jaws to release the piece.
Motor Use: Attach item to polish onto the jaws. Fix the tool onto a 13.90 mm polishing motor arbor and tighten it with 2 screws using the provided hexagonal key. Make sure all parts are safely tighten before turning on the machine. While motor is spinning, apply buff or cleaning cloth gently onto the piece to polish as desired.
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MSA 23.500 $279.95

Horotec Clockwise Spinning Polisher MSA 23.501 |
Ball bearing handle with right sided vice (clockwise spin).
Polishing system developed for the watch industry and particularly for finishing watch cases. This tool includes a vice with 4 brass jaws (tightening from diameter 14 to 34 mm) mounted on ball bearings to allow polishing without the risk of any flattening on the item being worked on (watch cases, bezel, case back, ring, etc.). As soon as the item comes in contact with the brush, the polisher starts turning at the same speed as the brush.
Special order item. Please allow 4-6 weeks for deliver.
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MSA 23.501 $849.00

Horotec Counter Clockwise Spinning Polisher MSA 23.502 |
Ball bearing handle with left sided vice (counter clockwise spin).
Polishing system developed for the watch industry and particularly for finishing watch cases. This tool includes a vice with 4 brass jaws (tightening from diameter 14 to 34 mm) mounted on ball bearings to allow polishing without the risk of any flattening on the item being worked on (watch cases, bezel, case back, ring, etc.). As soon as the item comes in contact with the brush, the polisher starts turning at the same speed as the brush.
Special order item. Please allow 4-6 weeks for deliver.
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MSA 23.502 $849.00

Horotec 23.503 Universal Tool for Polishing Case Backs & Bezels |
This polishing tool is used for finishing watch cases, bezels, rings, case backs and more. Equipped with 4 brass jaws that opens from 25 mm to 50 mm in diameter to handle larger case backs.
Manual Use: Attach item to polish onto the jaws. Hold tool on one hand and polish piece with a cleaning cloth with the other without ever touching the item. Gently lay down the item onto a clean cloth and loosen the jaws to release the piece.
Motor Use: Attach item to polish onto the jaws. Fix the tool onto a 13.90 mm polishing motor arbor and tighten it with 2 screws using the provided hexagonal key. Make sure all parts are safely tighten before turning on the machine. While motor is spinning, apply buff or cleaning cloth gently onto the piece to polish as desired.
Special order item, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
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MSA 23.503 $289.95

Horotec Kiwomask W 128 Protective Laquer 100 ml |
This is a white protective lacquer based on aqueous polymers; to be used to protect certain parts of jewelries, watch cases, bracelets or other metals during polishing, engraving, thinning, etc.
Apply in uniform layers with a paintbrush and let dry before use. Easily removable with or without water.
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MSA 26.913-100 $24.95


Cleaning Solutions

Rouges & Buffing Wheels

Cleaning Supplies

Buff Sticks

Scratch Brushes

Satin Finish Bars & Wheels