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Screwdrivers, Watchmakers

The finest watchmakers screwdrivers available in the world are available from Otto Frei
Around the world, the Swiss made Bergeon Watchmakers Screwdrivers have long been considered the best and highest quality available to both watchmakers and jewelers. Now some think that the new micro ball bearing Swiss made screwdrivers are better, however all the votes are not in yet. The new micro-ball bearing screwdrivers have the smallest handles followed by the Bergeon with the largest handles going to the AF French made watchmakers screwdrivers. Since 2006 Bergeon has offered the New Bergeon Ergonomic Screwdrivers, which adds more fuel to the great screwdriver debate.

Horotec Swiss Made Screwdrivers

Click Here For Horotec Swiss Micro Ball Bearing Deluxe Screwdrivers

French Made Screwdrivers For Watchmakers

Click Here For French Made Screwdrivers For Watchmakers

Bergeon Swiss Made Watchmakers Screwdrivers

Click Here For Bergeon Swiss Made Watchmakers Screwdrivers

Bergeon 7965 Special Knurled Handle Screwdrivers and Demountable Dynamometric Cylinder


Bergeon 2461 Screw Driver Holder for Sharpening

Bergeon screwdriver holder keep the blade at the correct angle while you roll it back and forth on your shapening stone.


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Wooden Base with India Stone

Sharpen and refinish your screwdriver baldes with this 15 x 15 x 150 mm, medium grain India stone, mounted of a wood base.


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Horotec Wooden Base with Arkansas Stone

Size: 15 x 15 x 150 mm.


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Bergeon 6924 Sharpener For Screwdriver Blades

The word is, from the users of these product, that this is the best screwdriver sharpener tool offered to date. They say this Bergeon tool is a lot better than the Horotec tool and is worth the extra money. We are please to offer all screwdriver sharpeners and if you can afford it, then this is the best tool to get.

There are two parallel abrasive cylinders (#6924-11 round stone) that put the right curvature on your screwdriver blades. Another stone (#6924-10 square stone) that puts a flat edge on the tip of the blade. With this tool, you can save on buying replacement blades and have fewer scratches on screws and bridges.


Special order item allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
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Bergeon 6924-10 Replacement Square Stone For Sharpener 6924

Grinding stones.


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Bergeon 6924-11 Replacement Round Stone For Sharpener 6924

Grinding stone.


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Horotec Screwdriver Sharpener For Watchmakers Who Work On High Grade Watches

It takes a special sharpener to sharpen the perfect shape screwdriver blade. If you are working on high grade watches you might want to consider one of these. Three special bits with hole diameter 4.3 mm, 4.8 mm, and 5.3 mm can hold each of the ten sizes in correct alignment against the rounded stone.

Tool comes with 3 stones that can be replaced when worn. Two of the stones are round part number MSA01.502-A and one square stone number part number MSA01.502-B.

MSA 01.504

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Round Stone For Horotec Screwdriver Sharpener MSA01502

Please order 2 pieces if 2 is needed. Special order item, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


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Replacement Square Stone For Horotec Screwdriver Sharpener

Special order item, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

MSA 16.002

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Horotec Four Blade Screwdriver 01.401

Special screwdrivers for glasses.

Screwdriver includes 4 blades; one each of 1.60, 1.80, 2.00, & 2.50 mm. Spare blades are stored inside the screwdriver with the removable top. Comes with knurled handle for a sturdy grip.

MSA 01.401

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The Original Bergeon Screwdriver Blades & Fixing Screws

Which Blades is Best, The Original or New Stainless Steel Blades
The original blades made with softer metal than the stainless steel blades. Some prefer to used the original blades with their Stainless Steel Screwdrivers when working with older watches that do not have stainless steel screw.

Screwdrivers, Phillips, Allen & Hex Nut Type


Watchmaker's Service Tool Kits by Bergeon

Click Here For Popular Bergeon Watch Repair Tool Kits
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
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126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607
Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604
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