Replacement Cylinder for Bergeon 5555/10 Waterproof Case Tester
Removable cylinder for draining.
BERG-5555/10-TP $122.00
Replacement Gasket Set for Bergeon 5555/10 Waterproof Case Tester
This is the complete gasket replacement kit for the Bergeon 5555/10 waterproof tester.
BERG-5555/10-ASS $44.64
Replacement Cylinder for Bergeon 5555/98 Waterproof Case Tester
Replacement Plexi-cylinder for 5555/98 waterproof case tester.
BERG-5555/98-TP $78.95
Replacement Cap Locking Rod for Bergeon 5555/98 Waterproof Case Tester
This is the rod on the side of the machine which locks the cap in place.
BERG-5555/98-TS $45.00
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
Customers Entrance
126 2nd St.
Oakland, California 94607
Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604
Freight Shipment Address: 119 3rd St. Oakland Ca. 94607
For stock checks on watch parts not listed on the site please call the watch material department at 510-832-0355 ext 3., Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time Zone. Stock Checks For Watch Movement & Watch Case Parts