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Spring Bar Assortments


101 Spring Bars Assorted Sizes & Types

Great Assortment of 101 Spring Bars for only four dollars and ninety five cents! This assortment contains a mixture of different, types, thickness, and sizes which will allow you to get started replacing spring bars right away without making a big investment. Spring Bar Tool not included.


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1000 Economy Double Flanged Spring Bars

10 sizes, 1000 pieces in a 4"x5" clear plastic box. The assortment contains 100 pieces double flanged per individual box of the 10 most popular sizes.


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Assortment of Foldover Buckles/Clasp Spring Bars 12 Sizes

These are Spring Bars which you will find in what the industry first called foldover buckles. This still popular and current assortment date backs to the late 70's to early 80's. Back then it was given hip name digital watch spring bars. Today we just might call a foldover buckle a watch bracelet clasp. In the early days of this type of clasps they were call tri-fold buckles or foldover buckles or foldover clasp. Most of these bars have a double flange or single Flange near the very outer end of the short pivot tips of the spring bars. The flange near the end prevents the end of the spring bars from sticking out or going thru the holes in the clasp. The pivot tips are very short and therefore will not poke out the sides of the clasp. Contains 7 of each buckle spring bars #31-B to 42-B (except #41-B), 12 sizes for band clasps.


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One end Double Flange, the other Buckle Style-Single Flange
1.17 mm Diameter Clasps Spring Bar Assortment

Swiss Made, in Stainless Steel 1.17 mm diameter thick, double flange on one end and single flange spring bars with short pivot tips for clasps. This assortment contains 5 pieces each of 12 different sizes, from 9 mm to 20 mm.

MSA 99.092

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Single Shoulder Short Pivot 1.20 mm Diameter
Spring Bar Assortment for Clasps & Links

These Swiss Made, German Silver Spring Bars with Stainless Steel Inner Spring are 1.20 mm in tube diameter and have 0.70 mm diameter short pivots which are only 0.70 mm long. The assortment contains 12 different sizes, 5 pieces each 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22 mm. A total of 60 pieces. This type of spring bar can be found used in bracelet links and bracelet clasps.

MSA 99.093

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Single Shoulder Short Pivot 1.00 mm Diameter Thick
Spring Bar Assortment for Clasps

Swiss Made, Stainless Steel spring bars in 1.00 mm diameter that have Single Shoulder with 0.70 mm Short Pivots. Highest Swiss quality spring bars five each, 12 different sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 mm a total of 60 pieces. Special 0.70 mm "Short Pivot" Single Shoulder Spring bars of this type can be found used in clasps and holding bracelet links together.

MSA 99.097

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Extremely Thin 1.20 Diameter Spring Assortment #920

Extremely Thin Double Flange Spring Bars, Only 1.20 MM Thick! Now, you do not have to send your customers away, or make them wait and come back later! With this assortment of high quality 100% Stainless Steel 1.20 millimeter diameter double flange spring bars. Assortment #920 cover all the bases with 18 different lengths 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 millimeters.

18 Sizes - All Stainless Steel. 450 Pieces In Total.


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Extra Long Stainless Steel Double Flange Spring Bar Assortment #926

Extra Long Double Flange Spring Bars. 1.5MM Thick. All Stainless Steel. 84 Pieces - One Dozen Per Size, total of 7 sizes. Sizes: 30MM, 31MM, 32MM, 33MM, 34MM, 35MM, 36MM.


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Extra Long Stainless Steel Double Flange Spring Bar Assortment #925

Extra Long Double Flange Spring Bars. 1.5MM Thick. Strong 100% Stainless Steel. 168 Pieces - 2 Dozen Per Size. Sizes: 24MM, 25MM, 26MM, 27MM, 28MM, 29MM, 30MM.


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Extra Long 2 mm Thick Stainless Steel Spring Bar Assortment

When you have to have a high grade 2 mm thick and also extra long spring bar, what are you going to do? This new assortment has those thick and long bars that you are seeing today. Complete with 5 sizes, 10 each, a total of 50 pieces. Size One fits 20-21MM, size two fits 22-24MM, size three fits 24-26MM, size four fits 26-28MM, and size five fits 28-30MM.

Stainless Steel 2.00MM Spring Bar Assortment.


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Assortment of 360 Stainless Steel Spring Bars Double Flange 1.30 mm Thick

Double Flanged. 360 pieces. 100 % Stainless Steel 1.30 millimeter Thin Body Diameter Spring Bar Assortment in sizes 6 mm up to 22 millimeters (7/8 inch). These high grade thin springs bars will allow you to replace the Spring Bars typically found on Metal Bracelets that require a thin body diameter spring bar. Double Flanged Springs 18 different lengths and 360 pieces total pieces.


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Assortment of 360 Stainless Steel Spring Bars Double Flange 1.50 mm Thick

Super Strong Extra Strong 100 % Stainless steel 1.50 mm Body Diameter Spring Bar Assortment in sizes 6 mm up to 22 millimeters (7/8 inch). These high grade Thick Springs Bars will allow you to replace the Spring Bars typically found on Metal Bracelets* and now also Leather Straps** that require a Thick body diameter Spring Bar. Double Flanged Springs 18 different lengths and 360 pieces total pieces.
*Note: Always use the thickest diameter Spring Bar that you can get thru the pipe (spring bar tube) of the bracelet.


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Stainless Steel Spring Bar ASS50/1.50

18 sizes. 50 pieces each size. Total of 900 pieces.


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Acon Watch Strap Buckle Assortment #1019B

50 watch strap buckles. Sizes: 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, and 11/16. White in color.


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Stainless Steel Double Flange Extra Long Spring Bar Assortment 1.50 mm Thick

Do you now need spring bars up to 40 millimeters long?

Watch and Watch Strap continue to get bigger with this assortment you will now be about to cover your customers needs from 23 mm up to 40 millimeters with strong 100% High Quality Stainless Steel Spring Bars. A total of 260 pieces. 13 different sizes. 20 pieces each size. The sizes are 23 mm, 24 mm, 25 mm, 26 mm, 27 mm, 28 mm, 29 mm, 30 mm, 32 mm, 34 mm, 36 mm, 38 mm, and 40 mm. Diameter: 1.50 mm. All 100% Stainless Steel Spring Bars.


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Stainless Steel 1.00 MM Slim Type Spring Bar Assortment

12 sizes. 20 pieces each size. Total of 240 pieces. Comes in 6MM, 7MM, 8MM, 9MM, 10MM, 11MM, 12MM, 14MM, 16MM, 18MM, 20MM, and 22MM with diamter at 1.00MM.


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Swiss Made Spring Bars 28 Piece QPick

Assortment contains two each of the following Swiss Made Bars in One Bag: FB-7870, FB-7872, FB-7874, FB-7876, FB-7879, FB-7881, FB-7883, FB-7885, FB-7886, FB-7875, FB-7868, FB-7864, FB-7887, FB-7888.


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Stainless Steel 1.20 mm Spring Bar Assortment 605SDF120S

Stainless Steel 1.20 mm diameter extra thin, double flanged spring bar assortment @ 20 pieces x 18 size = 360 pieces. From 7 mm to 24 mm.


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Stainless Steel 1.30 mm Spring Bar Assortment 605SSF130S

Stainless Steel 1.30 mm diameter extra thin, single flanged spring bar assortment @ 20 pieces x 17 size = 340 pieces. From 6 mm to 22 mm.


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Stainless Steel 1.50 mm Spring Bar Assortment 605SSF150S

Stainless Steel 1.50 mm diameter extra thin, single flanged spring bar assortment with 20 pieces each of 17 sizes from 6 mm to 22 mm, for a total of 340 spring bars.


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Stainless Steel 1.20 mm Diameter Single Flange - Short Pivot
Foldover Buckle and Clasp Spring Bar Assortment

Was at one time very rare to need 1.20 mm diameter single flange short pivot foldover buckle clasp spring bars. Today, more of these clasp are using the thin 1.20 diameter bars. This assortment contains 20 pieces each in 18 sizes from 7 mm to 24 mm, a total of 360 100% Stainless Steel Spring Bars.


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Stainless Steel 1.50 mm Diameter Single Fange - Short Pivot
Foldover Buckle and Clasp Spring Bar Assortment

Assortment of 300 pieces 1.50 mm diameter single flange spring bars with short pivots used mostly for foldover buckles and clasps. All Stainlees Steel Bars 20 pieces each of 15 different sizes. The sizes are 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm, 15 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 19 mm, 20 mm, 21 mm, and 22 mm.


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Stainless Steel 1.50 mm Extra Long Spring Bar Assortment 605SSS150S/XL

Stainless Steel 1.50 mm diameter extra long, single shoulder spring bar assortment @ 20 pieces x 16 size = 320 pieces. From 14 mm to 44 mm.


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Assortment of Female Telescopic 1.90 mm Diameter Thick Spring Bars

This 60 piece assortment of Telescopic Spring Bars with Female type "Hollow Ends", contains 12 pieces each of the 5 sizes. The five telescopic bars in this assortment covers the lug sizes between 8 mm to 24 mm. Bar outside diameter is 1.90 mm, hollow end opening is 0.85-0.95 mm.


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Assortment of Female 1.80 mm Spring Bars

This 60 piece assortment of Spring Bars with Female type "Hollow Ends", contains 5 pieces each of the 12 sizes. The twelve female bars in this assortment covers the lug sizes between 9 mm to 20 mm. Bar outside diameter is 1.80 mm.


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Assortment 10 Sizes, 60 Pieces Curved 1.3 mm Diameter Swiss Made Maillechort Spring Bars

Six pieces each of ten sizes, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24 mm.
Body Diameter 1.3 mm, Pivot 0.70 by 1.0 Long
Swiss Made, With Maillechort (Nickel Silver) Metal Material

MSA 99.104

Assortment 10 Sizes, 60 Pieces Curved 1.5 mm Diameter Swiss Made Maillechort Spring Bars

Six pieces each of ten sizes, 10. 12, 13, 14, 16, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 22 mm
Body Diameter 1.5 mm, Pivot 0.75 by 1.0 Long
Swiss Made, With Maillechort (Nickel Silver) Metal Material

MSA 99.103


Assortment 60 pieces 1.50 Diameter 15 Sizes of Clasp Spring Bars

Assortment of 60 pieces 1.5 mm diameter single flange spring bars with short pivots used mostly for foldover buckles and clasps. All Stainlees Steel Bars 4 pieces each of 18 different sizes. The sizes are 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm, 15 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 19, 20, 21, and 22 mm.


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Assortment 72 pieces 1.30 Diameter 18 Sizes of Clasp Spring Bars

Assortment of 72 pieces 1.3 mm diameter single flange spring bars with short pivots used mostly for foldover buckles and clasps. All Stainlees Steel Bars 4 pieces each of 18 different sizes. The sizes are 7, 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm, 15 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 and 22 mm.


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Assortment 76 pieces 1.20 Diameter 19 Sizes of Clasp Spring Bars

Assortment of 76 pieces 1.2 mm diameter single flange spring bars with short pivots used mostly for foldover buckles and clasps. All Stainlees Steel Bars 4 pieces each of 18 different sizes. The sizes are 6, 7, 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm, 15 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 18 mm, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 mm.


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