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Stems for American Pocket Watches

During the early days of our pioneers of watch and case makers in the United States, of which there were some 10 to 15 companies, did not agree on inter-changeability as to the thickness of movement or systems for winding or setting the watch. The only complete watches ready for delivery over the counter were Swiss Watches. As American movements and cases came separately, consumer would select a case and movement to his fancy and budget. As it was, only certain styles of movements would fit in certain style of case and the jeweler would be obliged to carry a selection of movements, cases, stems and sleeves to assemble the watch. The American stem and sleeve system period extended well past the introduction of the modern Swiss system in the 1920's. Today, with the modern watch it easy to order the correct stem just by giving the caliber number and not even to know what had to be done in the years past fitting stems to Pocket Watches. If takes a skill watchmaker trained in this task to fit a stem, sleeve and crown to an American Pocket Watch. Files and a lathe may needed to adjust the stem for a proper fit, which is complication by the continued depletion of the available selections of old stems and sleeves for American Watches. Today, as in the past the watch repairer is mostly on his own when it comes to selecting stems, sleeves and crowns for these watches and fitting them to the case and movement.

18 Size American Pocket Watch Stems

Waltham says the squares on 18 size should be 1.30 mm
18 size Squares can range from 1.25 mm to 1.35 mm

16 Size American Pocket Watch Stems

Square Sizes 16 & 6 Size
Waltham says the squares on 16 size should be 1.10 mm on most and 1.20 on some.
Some American watch companies 6 size watches can have 1.10 mm Squares

12 Size American Pocket Watch Stems

Square Sizes 12 and 6 Size
Square size range from 0.90 mm to 1.00 mm

Waltham says the squares on 12 size should be 0.96 mm


Stem for American Bracelet Size Watches


0 Size American Watch Stems

Waltham says the squares on O size watches should be 0.76 mm

Sleeves for American Pocket and Bracelet Watch Cases

Elgin Sleeves were usually used by Illinois, Keystone, North American, Star and Western case companies.
Waltham Sleeves were usually used by, Crescent, Fahys, Roy, Solidarity and Wadsworth case companies.
Hamilton 10 SIze Stem Grades 917, 921, 923, 945
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Quantity   1      2+  
Price $15.00 $12.00


Pocket Watch Crowns

New Selection January 2023
Over 300 Different Pocket Watch Crowns Available

17 Assorted American Pocket Watch Stems
A 17 piece assortment of pocket stems for 18, 16, 12, 6, 0 and Jewel Size Watches
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19 Assorted 12 Size Pocket Watch Stems Squares 0.90 to 1.0 mm
A 19 piece assortment of pocket stems with 12 size squares and assorted threads.

For the repair person who know how to adjust a stem and make it work.
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Bergeon Tool for Shortening Stems #2002

Tool used to help measure the correct spot of where to cut, when shortening a stem.


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Set of Pocket Watch Keys Made In India

Every collector and repairer of Pocket Watch needs a set of keys for key wind watches. These 12 different sizes of keys at a low price will be useful to have available when needed for winding and setting.


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Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
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126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607
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