OTTO FREI - is not affilated or sponsored by Rolex® Watch U.S.A. The Rolex® Warranty does not apply to generic replacement parts, supplied by OTTO FREI -
Crystals and other case parts are selected by the case numbers
GS Crystal PA 462-66 to fit Rolex® Tropic 19
GS Crystal PA 462-20A to fit Rolex® Tropic 19
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Rolex GS # PA462-19H
GS Crystal PA 462-19M to fit case 5512
GS PA462-67A Generic Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 39
$12.95 Fits Cases: 6508, 6615, 6616, 6617, 6618, 6619, 6620, 6621, 6622, 6623, 6706, 6707, 6710, 6711, 6712, 6713, 6715, 6717, 6718, 6719, 6720, 6721, 6723, 6724, 6800, 6801, 6802, 6803, 6804, 6806, 6807 |
Generic Crystal to fit Tropic 7 $12.95 SK-XS 253.455 Case numbers 6546, 6547, 6548, 6549, 6551, 6553, 6554, 6555, 6557, 6559, 6571, 66466 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 11 $12.95 SK-XS 292.470 Fits Case numbers in 1969 Rolex Case book. Later Rolex discontinued Tropic 11 and for some case numbers they said to use Tropic 12 instead of Tropic 11. These are the case number in the 1969 case book using Tropic 11. 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1022, 1023, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1038, 5500, 5552, 5590, 6210, 6223, 6282, 6284, 6285, 6285/1, 6286, 6290, 6292, 6300, 6301, 6332, 6334, 6480, 6482, 6484, 6500, 6528, 6580, 6581, 6582, 6583, 6584, 6585, 6586, 6587, 6634, 7904, 7909 |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.26 mm $12.95 GS-PA459-46 To fit Case 5500 |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.36 mm $12.95 GS-PA459-47K Cases, 6284, 6332 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 12 $12.95 ROL-TROPIC-12 Fits Cases: 1002, 1022 to 1031, 1035, 1036, 1038, 1039, 5500, 5501, 5506, 5520, 5552, 5590, 6422, 6423, 6426, 6427, 6429, 6528, 7950, 7991, 7995, 9000, 9020, 9021, 9031, 9041 |
Generic Crystal, GS PA459-41 Replacement for Tropic 12 $12.95 GS-PA459-41 The GS version of the Tropic 12 is listed as 29.31 mm diameter and has a slightly higher side walls than the standard Tropic 12 crystals on the the market. The top of the GS PA459-41 is also slightly curved as well. |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 12 $12.95 GS-PA459-37A |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 12 $12.95 GS-PA459-47C Cases 6564, 6565 |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.3 mm $12.95 GS-PA459-40 |
$12.95 ROL-TROPIC-13 Cases: 5502, 5516, 6594, 7926, 7963, 7965, 7967 |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 13 $12.95 GS-PA459-58 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 14 $12.95 SK-XS 293.102 Cases: 6512 |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 14 $12.95 GS-PA459-63 Case 6512 new model crystal |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.35 mm $12.95 GS-PA459-47E Case 6512 |
$12.95 SK-XS 306.449 Cases: 1018, 5504, 5505, 6224, 6232, 6234, 6236, 6238, 6239, 6240, 6241,6262, 6263, 6264, 6265, 6298, 6299, 6424, 6425, 6428, 6598, 6599, 6614, 7857 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Tropic 30 $12.95 SK-XS 255.456 Cases: In 1969 case book were only 6430 and 6431, while later in the 1990 case book case numbers 6430 and 6431 were not the only crystals listed for Tropic 48 and the following case were listed for this 25.5 outside diameter Tropic 30 Crystal : 6420, 6421, 6432, 6544, 6545, 6547, 6548, 6549, 6551, 6553, 6554, 6555, 6557, 6559, 6571, 6744, 6745, 6747, 6748, 6749, 6751, 6753, 6754, 6757, 6771 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 101 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-101 Fits Cases: 6513, 6514, 6516, 6517, 6519, 6520, 6521, 6524, 6527, 6529, 6531, 6533, 6626, 6700, 6701, 6702, 6703, 6704, 6705, 7952. Tropic 35 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 103 $12.95 SK-XS 248.468 Fits Cases: 7911, 7931. Tropic 5 is same with out window. |
$12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-104 Fits Cases: 6466, 6624, 6625, 6627, 6628, 6629, 6630, 6631, 6632, 6633, 6635, 6636, 6638, 6639, 6824, 6825, 6827, 6828, 6829, 6830, 6831, 6832, 6833, 6835, 6839. Tropic 30 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 105 $12.95 SK-XS 256.129 In 1970 Rolex listed Cyclope 105 as fitting all of these cases. Later when Rolex cut back the line of replacement crystals they dropped Cyclope 105 and said to use Cyclope 104 instead. This 25.6 mm outside diameter Fits Cases: 6624, 6625, 6627, 6628, 6629, 6630, 6631, 6632, 6633, 6635, 6636, 6638, 6639, 6824, 6825, 6827, 6828, 6829, 6830, 6831, 6832, 6833, 6835, 6839. Tropic 30 is same with out window. |
$12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-107 Case 7116, 7961, 7970, 9090. Tropic 27 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 108 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-108 Fits Cases: 6122, 6127, 6294, 6494, 6518, 6694, 7919. Tropic 12 is same with out window. |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 108 $12.95 GS-PA459-56 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 111 $12.95 SK-XS 293.134 Fits Cases: 1625 r, 1625 o, 6530, 6534, 6535, 6537, 6646, 7939. Tropic 13 is same with out window. |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.39 mm Cyclop $12.95 GS-PA459-44 |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.45 mm Magnifier $12.95 GS-PA459-60 Case 6511 |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 111 $12.95 GS-PA459-47L |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.3 mm Magnifier $12.95 GS-PA459-47 To fit Case 6494 |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 111 $12.95 GS-PA460-2G |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.34 mm Magnifier $12.95 GS-PA459-47D |
Generic GS Crystal, 29.5 mm Magnifier $12.95 GS-PA459-80 Case 6530 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 112 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-112 Fits Cases: 7962, 7964, 7966, 7968. Tropic 13 is same with out window. |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 112 $12.95 GS-PA459-47H |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 114 For Cal 1570 $12.95 SK-XS 304.465 Outside diameter at base is 30.40 mm see above image for detail measurements. Fits Cases: 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1831, 6611, 6612, 6613. Tropic 21 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 114 For Cal 3035 $12.95 SK-XS 306.154 Outside diameter at base is 30.40 mm see above image for detail measurements. Fits Cases: 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1831, 6611, 6612, 6613. Tropic 21 is same with out window. |
GS Crystal to fit Rolex® Cyclop 114 $12.95 GS-PA463-5T |
GS Crystal to fit Rolex® Cyclop $12.95 GS-PA463-6 Cases 6605 and 6611 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 116 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-116 Outside diameter at base of crystal is 30.00 mm see above image for detail measurements. Fits Cases: 1655, 1675, 1675-3, 1675-8, 6542, 16750, 16753. Tropic 38 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, GS # PA 462-18F Replacement for Cyclop 116 $12.95 PA462-18F Fits Cases: 1655, 1675, 1675-3, 1675-8, 6542, 16750, 16753. GS lists the millimeter diameter at the base of the crystal to be 30.17 mm. Tropic 38 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, GS # PA 462-19K Replacement for Cyclop 116 $12.95 PA462-19K Fits Cases: 1655, 1675, 1675-3, 1675-8, 6542, 16750, 1675. GS lists the millimeter diameter at the base of the crystal to be 30.28 mm. Tropic 38 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal XS 302.450, Replacement 30.20 mm for Cyclop 116 $12.95 SK-XS 302.450 Outside diameter at base of crystal is 30.20 mm see above image for detail measurements. Fits Cases: 1655, 1675, 1675-3, 1675-8, 6542, 16750, 16753, |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 117 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-117 Outside diameter at base of crystal is 29.50 mm see above image for detail measurements. Fits Cases: 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1570, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1550, 1625, 5700, 5701. Tropic 37 is same with out window. |
Generic GS Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 117 $12.95 GS-PA459-55A |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 118 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-118 Fits Cases: 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1607, 1610, 1611. Outside diameter at base of crystal is 30.60 mm see above image for detail measurements. Tropic 29 is same without window, however a generic version of tropic 29 is not produced. |
GS Crystal to fit Rolex® Cyclop 118 $12.95 GS-PA463-6B |
$12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-121 Fits Cases: 7582, 7596, 7600, 7602, 7616, 7637, 9240, 9241, 92400, 92401, 92403, 92408, 92411, 92413, 92414, 92418. Tropic 34 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, GS # PA462-21A Replacement for Cyclop 121 $12.95 PA462-21A Fits Cases: 7582, 7596, 7600, 7602, 7616, 7637, 9240, 9241, 92400, 92401, 92403, 92408, 92411, 92413, 92414, 92418. GS lists the millimeter diameter at the base of the crystal to be 30.30 mm. Tropic 34 is same with out window. |
GS Crystal # PA462-19E with Magnifier 30.25 mm Paul Buhre $12.95 PA462-19E GS lists the millimeter diameter at the base of the crystal to be 30.25 mm. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 122 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-122 Fits Cases: 7576, 7581, 7592, 7594, 7606, 7607, 9230, 9231, 92300, 92301, 92303, 92308, 92311, 92313, 92314, 92318. Tropic 2 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 123 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-123 Fits Cases: 7106, 7107, 7117, 7126, 7127, 7137, 7157, 7206, 7988, 7989, 7990, 7992, 7994, 7996, 9010, 9050, 9051, 9061, 9071, 9101, 9111, 9121, 9130, 9140. Tropic 12 is same with out window. |
$12.95 Fits Cases: 7017, 7019, 7020 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 125 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-125 Fits Cases: 7021, 7109, 9411, 94110 Outside diameter at base of crystal is 30.30 mm see above image for detail measurements. Tropic 19 is same with out window. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 127 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-127 Fits Case: 1680 Outside diameter at base of crystal is 30.30 mm see above image for detail measurements. |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 129 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-129 FIts Cases: 6900 to 6907, 6913, 6914, 6916, 6917, 6919, 6920, 6921, 6924, 6927, 6929, 6933 |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclop 135 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-135 Fits Cases: 16000, 16003, 16013, 16014, 16030, 16250, 16253. Outside diameter at base of crystal is 30.70 mm see above image for detail measurements. Tropic 29 is same with out window. |
GS Crystal to fit Rolex® Cyclop 135 $12.95 GS-PA463-5J |
Generic Crystal, Replacement for Cyclope 145 $12.95 ROL-CYCLOP-145 Fits Cases: 15000, 15003, 15007, 15008, 15010, 15017, 15018, 15037, 15038, 15053, 15148, 15505. Outside diameter at base of crystal is 29.70 mm see above image for detail measurements. |
$12.95 GS-PA462-17E Fits case 6542 Cyclope magnifier crystal diameter 30.1 mm. |
$29.95 ROL-SAPPHIRE-295C This is the Men's Sapphire size which is so popular. Fits Cases 14270, 16008, 16009, 16019, 16058, 16078, 16200, 16203, 16220, 16223, 16233, 16234, 16238, 16248, 16258, 16263, 1630, 16518, 16520, 16523, 16528, 16610, 16628, 17000, 17013, 17014, 18000, 18026, 18028, 18029, 18038, 18039, 18046, 18048, 18049, 18078, 18079, 18206, 18208, 18238, 18239, 18248, 18249, 18308, 18346, 18348, 19018, 19019, 19028. Comes with crystal gasket 29-295-1. |
$29.95 ROL-SAPPHIRE-295C2 Fits Cases 16550, 16570, 16610, 16613, 16618, 16700, 16710, 16713, 16718, 16758, 16760, 16800, 16803, 16808. Comes with crystal gasket 29-295-1. |
$25.00 XT-ROL206C Fit case numbers 69000, 69000A, 69008, 69008A, 69018, 69018A, 69038A, 69048A, 69068, 69068A, 69069, 69069A, 69078, 69078A 69079, 69079A, 69088, 69088A, 69089, 69089A, 69098A, 69108A, 69118A, 69119A, 69128A, 69136, 69138, 69138A, 69139, 69139A, 69148, 69148A, 69149AB, 69160A, 69163A, 69168, 69168A, 69169, 69169A, 69173A, 69174A, 69178, 69178A, 69179, 69179A, 69179AB, 69190, 69190A, 69198A, 69240, 69240A, 69278, 69278A, 69279, 69279A, 69298 69299, 79173. Comes with crystal gasket. |
$29.95 ROL-SAPPHIRE-286 Fits Cases 14000, 14010, 14060, 14203, 14208, 14233, 14238, 15007, 16600 |
$29.95 ROL-SAPPHIRE-286C Fits Cases 14000, 14010, 14060, 14203, 14208, 14233, 14238, 15007, 16600 |
Parabolic Sapphire Glass Crystal to Convert 118 & 135
Parabolic Sapphire Glass Crystal to Convert Ladies 101 & 129 Crystal Watches
$14.96 GS-PA463-12J Fits certain copy watch models with Cyclope magnifier and outside crystal diameter of 30.73 mm. |
$14.96 GS-PA464-16 Fits certain copy watch models with Cyclope magnifier and outside crystal diameter of 30.81 mm. |
$14.96 GS-PA463-14R The crystal is basically flat in shape as compare to the normal shape with raised side walls. It does has a cyclope magnifier and the outside crystal diameter is 30.78 mm. |
$12.95 PA464-52A GS lists the millimeter diameter at the base of the crystal to be 30.25 mm. Found on Jules Jurgensen copy of another famous make, |
Genuine Crystals for Rolex® |
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Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930 Customers Entrance 126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607 Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604 Freight Shipment Address: 119 3rd St. Oakland Ca. 94607 USA