ETA 255.411 Sub with E63.111
Ligne Size 10.5, height 1.95, hands sizes 70/120 20, functions: uses 3 hands, hour, minute & Sweep Seconds, date at 3, end of life battery indicator. Use E63.111
ETA 255.441 Replaced by E63.041
Ligne Size 10.5, height 1.95, hands sizes 70/120, functions: uses 2 hands, date at 3.

ETA 255.491
Ligne Size 10.5, thickness 2.45, hand sizes 70/120 with small second, 3 hands. 7 Jewels.

Discontinued Cannot Supply ESA 255.481 Ligne Size 10.5, height 2.70, hands: 70/120/20.