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More Minathor and Bergeon/Horotec Refill Punches & Screwdriver Blades

All Punch Bits shown on this page will fit in the Horotec Tools as well as Bergeon Tools. These punches and screwdrivers will also work in the 180-India Press and would be a way to upgrade that tool quite a bit!

Also know as Bergeon Accessories for the Minathor, Wenger Knife.


Tool Holder for Minathor

In Stainless Steel. The Minathor tool holder 1550-0 is the exact same thing as the Bergeon pin holder 6744-PG. Same tool with different part numbers. Can be use as an extra pin holder to drive out pins.


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Bergeon 7745 GS Bracelet Link Pin Punches in Plastic Block

Set of six Bergeon punches number 6745-G (sizes: .40, .60, .80, 1.00, 1.50 & 2.0 mm) on a plastic block. These punches also work with the Minathor Knife, by Wenger.


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Screwdriver Bits for Bergeon Bracelet Link Remover 6745-100

Includes 10 Screwdriver Blades. 5 standard heads number 6745-M (sizes: .80 x 2pcs, 1.0 x 2pcs, 1.2 x 2pcs, 1.5 and 2.0 mm), also 2 phillips number 6745-MC (sizes: 1.5 and 2.0 mm) on a plastic block. These blades also work with the Minathor Knife, by Wenger.


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Pin-Punch Bit 0.40 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
Bergeon pin punch bits are made in hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.85 $3.50 $2.99


Pin-Punch Bit 0.60 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.85 $3.50 $2.99


Pin-Punch Bit 0.70 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.40 $3.00 $2.49


Pin-Punch Bit 0.80 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor

In hardened stainless steel.


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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $4.15 $3.70 $3.20


Pin-Punch Bit 0.90 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.40 $3.00 $2.49


Pin-Punch Bit 1.0 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.85 $3.50 $2.99


Pin-Punch Bit 1.10 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.40 $3.00 $2.49


Pin-Punch Bit 1.20 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor

In hardened stainless steel.


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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $4.15 $3.70 $3.20


Pin-Punch Bit 1.40 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.40 $3.00 $2.49


Pin-Punch Bit 1.50 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.85 $3.50 $2.99


Pin-Punch Bit 2.00 mm for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.
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Quantity   1 - 2     3 - 9     10+  
Price $3.85 $3.50 $2.99


Replacement 0.80 Screwdriver Blades for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor

In hardened stainless steel.


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Replacement 1.00 mm Screwdriver Blades for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
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Replacement 1.20 Screwdriver Blades for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor

In hardened stainless steel.


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Replacement 1.50 mm Screwdriver Blades for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
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Replacement 2.00 mm Screwdriver Blades for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor
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Phillips 1.50 mm Blade for Berg/Hor Tools & Minathor Knife

In hardened stainless steel, diameter 1.50 mm.


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Phillips Blade for Bergeon/Horotec Tools and Minathor Knife 2.0 mm
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Watch Bracelet Tools


Watch Strap Tools
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