Clock Dial, Brass Frame with Imation Enamel Hour Track & Brass Center 180 mm Diam.
Same as CLK135219, however the outside diameter is 180 mm.

Clock Dial, Brass Frame with Imation Enamel Hour Track & Brass Center 180 mm Diam., with dial feet & winding holes
Same CLK133576, except this dial comes with winding holes and dial feet to fit movement "HF". Total of three holes besides the center shaft hole. Two of the hole are 46.5 mm to the right and left of center and 14 mm down. The other hole is 30 mm below the center of the dial.

Clock Dial, Same as 133577, only 150 mm diameter

Clock Dial, Same as 133578, but with two winding holes
Same CLK133578, except this dial comes with winding holes and dial feet to fit movement "EF", "FF" and "GF". Two holes besides the center shaft hole. The hole are 28.25 mm to the right and left of center and 16.5 mm down.
