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Quartz Clock Dual Electronic Chime Movements

The dual chime movement can play either the Westminster chime or Bim Bam.

Dual Chime Non- Pendulum Quartz Clock Movement Max Dial Thickness 1/4"

Size 2 3/8" x 3 3/4" x 1 11/16"

Remote speaker has wire about 6" long. Shaft diameter is 5/16", requires one "C" battery. Total Shaft is 7/8 " (22 mm). Takes the stand I shaft hands which have been used on all battery operated quartz clocks movements made since the late 70s. So yes, your old hands should fit an this movement.


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Dual Chime 18 1/2" Pendulum Quartz Clock Movement Max Dial Thickness 1/4"

Remote speaker, volume level control, night silencer. Shaft diameter is 5/16", requires one "C" battery. Movement size is 4 3/8" H x 3 3/4" W x 1 11/16" D. Total Shaft is 5/8 " (16 mm). The dual chime movement can play either the Westminster chime or the Whittington melody on quarter hours and strikes out the hours. The pendulum that is provided can be at a maximum length of 19 inches however has lining on every inch to shorten if necessary.


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Dual Chime 18 1/2" Pendulum Quartz Clock Movement Max Dial Thickness 3/4"

Remote speaker, volume level control, night silencer. Shaft diameter is 5/16", requires one "C" battery. Movement size is 4 3/8" H x 3 3/4" W x 1 11/16" D. Total Shaft is 1 1/8 " (28 mm). The dual chime movement can play either the Westminster chime or the Whittington melody on quarter hours and strikes out the hours. The pendulum that is provided can be at a maximum length of 19 inches however has lining on every inch to shorten if necessary.


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Dual Chime Non- Pendulum Quartz Clock Movement Max Dial Thickness 3/4"

Size 2 3/8" x 3 3/4" x 1 11/16"

Remote speaker has wire about 6" long. Shaft diameter is 5/16", requires one "C" battery. Takes the stand I shaft hands which have been used on all battery operated quartz clocks movements made since the late 70s. So yes, your old hands should fit an this movement.


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Hands for Quartz Clock Movements

Click Here to See the Select of Hands for Quartz Clock Movements
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