Otto Frei.
Quality Jewelry Supplies for Generations - Since 1930
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Saia Shipping for the FB-4001 Watchmaker's Benches

To determine the approximate shipping cost for your bench, please use the Saia Online Rate Quoter at .

We are located in Oakland, Ca 94607.
Enter our zip code 94607 and enter yours as well.
Enter the weight 190 and the class 85.

Remember to choose residential delivery if applicable.
Please note that Arrival Notice/Set Appointment is part of residential delivery and if you click residental you will be called 24 hours before the delivery.

To receive a more accurate shipping cost, calculate the discount percentage at 15% to 18% more then the discount if any is shown on the estimate/quote you receive.

In some cases no discount is shown on the quote in these cases please call Larry 510-832-0355 in our shipping department or email and Larry will check for a better rate for your location.
Discount shown on the quote you receive can be as high as 45% because of the volume we do with Saia our discount might be as high as 63%, when shipping through Saia. However sometimes in areas Saia does not deliver to as noted above no discount is shown, when this is the case please contact Larry.
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
Customers Entrance
126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607
Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604
Freight Shipment Address: 119 3rd St. Oakland Ca. 94607 USA

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