Otto Frei.
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How to Select, Order and Fit Watch Crystals

For major brand watches you can order watch crystals by case number. Please see the Genuine Case Parts Ordering Information Page for the names of the brands crystals available by case numbers and where to find these numbers on the case.

All other crystals must be selected by correctly identifying the type, shape and size needed from either the GS Plastic Crystal Catalog or the BB Glass Crystal Catalog ordering by the catalog part number. Please see the link at the bottom of page to order catalogs. If your crystal was not one of the thousands of popular shapes used mostly during the period from 1920 to 1979 don't expect to see it in a catalog. It you have an illegal fake counterfeit watch contact the importer for replacement crystals don't forget the authorities also want to contact the importer and perhaps even you. Crystal replacement is like any science, profession, art or trade of any kind it takes time to learn along with real effort and money to invest in materials and education. Many mistakes and failures are made until one is able to get it done right (well at least most of the time) if you are just looking to replace only the one crystal on your watch, then you should see a professional or a least a serious hobbyist who is willing to spend the bucks and time need to learn this craft and skill of replacing watch crystals.

Round crystals (see link showing GS types at bottom of page) are the only crystals, which are possible to order by description only. Example: Send ¼ dz. Round Flat Mineral Glass 28.5 x 1.0 mm. Most of the popular round types have already been added to the page crystal page.

Fancy shape "BB" Glass & "GS" Plastic crystals and the 800 or so GS "PA" line of special popular round shape crystals used by name brand watch companies need to be selected from the available crystals offered by the GS Crystal Co in plastic, or by the BB Crystal Co. in glass. We have available for sale the current catalogs of these two companies and stock every number each company offers. Our inventory also contains crystals made by SUC and others that at no longer in business. If you come across old catalogs for the 1930s to 1960s in some watchmaker’s stuff keep them and use them to order crystals, since stock may still be available. We will not send fancy shape crystal by millimeter size. You will need to order fancy shapes by GS or BB stock numbers.

It's either take the watch to a professional or become as knowledgeable, skilled and equipped as a professional. The first thing a professional is going to do is to look at the watch and identify what material (glass or plastic) and if the crystal shape is one of the normal flat or domed shapes available in the replacement market. Once satisfied that the crystal is available the professional will remove the old crystal and take out an accurate gauge to get the exact diameter of the glass and also the exact thickness of the glass. Best to just find a watch battery changer in a mall somewhere that also offers a crystal fitting service, unless your ready to buy a gauge and do all the needed work.


Genuine Case Parts Ordering Information Page

Case Numbers -Where to find them on the watch case
Seiko, like many brands use a case number system
Find out where to look for Seiko case numbers and information on other watch brands that use a watch case parts system..

Types of Round GS Crystals


Fancy Shapes Crystals with Flat Bottoms


Fancy Shapes Crystals with Curved Bottoms


GS Watch Crystal Catalog of Round and Fancy Shape Vintage Crystals

Crystal for all popular brands from 1940 to the 1970's
GS Crystals fitting vintage wrist watches, here a list of just a few.
Gruen, Timex, Seiko, Wyler, Hamilton, Helbros, Benrus, Longines, Elgin, Bulova, Waltham.

Information for the Novice, Hobbyist and others about ordering Watch Parts correctly.

Don't know the ins and outs about needed information for ordering parts read this.
Otto Frei, Watch Parts Since 1930
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126 2nd St. Oakland, California 94607
Mailing Address: PO BOX 796, Oakland Ca. 94604
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